I have missed all of you lately. I feel like i've been in a complete whirlwind the last 4-6 weeks. The end of the semester push was upon us, my mother in law was in town for 3 weeks, we had a much needed 3 week break, and we moved!!!
My intention all along has been to update the blog at least every other day in an effort to catalogue our time hear and keep the memories saved. That has been really hard for me :( I have like 10 drafts where i started to write and then got distracted, was most of the time just too tired, or didn't have time to finish the post.
We started our new semester today and boy does it feel a lot different than just 5 months ago. We are in a much bigger cottage with room to cook breakfast, EAT breakfast, move around without bumping into each other, and find everything we need. It's been a game changer so far. David feels considerably different this semester as well. After doing well his first semester he has a quite a bit more confidence in himself and his study habits and materials. I am also feeling very positive because I am finally figuring out how to live and not just "survive" on this island. I'm sure there are varying degrees of "adjustment" time frames when it comes to transitioning from the states to Dominica but I felt like mine was somewhat long. It really has taken me 3-4 months to really get a grasp on how to be HAPPY here each and every day. I am not saying that i don't have daily frustrations but I think I can finally say I am happy to just BE! That's been a pretty big milestone for me and I hope I keep moving forward :)
Banks & Eloise are doing marvelous. We have a new neighbor, "Santi"ago, who is 2.5 years old and loves Banks. They play together every day and have a blast! Today was both of the girls first day in the preschool/day care on campus. They both did awesome. Not a peep out of Eloise and Banks fit in like a charm :) (no surprise there). The struggle we are having currently is letting Eloise cry it out at night. She was and is such an angel baby I seriously NEVER had to let her cry it out until now, at 8 months!! After her nighttime feeding I would lay her down and asleep she went...I was really hoping this day wouldn't come but once her little personality started peeking through I knew it was only a matter of time. She is about as smiley and bubbly of a little person as she can be but boy is she determined. You could say she might even be a little bit of a bully...I don't mind this because she has learned it as a means of survival against her 3 year old sister and her friends. The other night we had the Clyde's, Travis, Lindsey, Owen & Scarlett, over for dinner and the 4 kids were drawing on David's white board. Eloise kept stealing the markers and sitting in the middle of the white board smiling...it was like her little way of winning :) hilarious!
With both of the girls in school from 830-12 I hope to keep my blog updated, exercise, find a fun project, and have a little time to myself for whatever :)...oh and definitely start snorkeling with the spouses on Thursdays...super excited about that one!
Fun pictures below...
My next posts will be all about our adventures during the break, i.e., Seeing Leatherback Sea Turtles hatch and flee to the ocean, our trip to Rosalie Bay, Sunset Bay, time as a family, etc...
Love you and Miss you all!

eating watermelon on our new front porch!!

this face cracks me up.

this is Eloise to a T!!

Thanks Aunt Liz for the cutest swimsuit EVA!!

her favorite past time...talking on the phone to the taxi drivers and going to "study" in her swimsuit!!!

she looks identical to Kirkland right here!!!