Thursday, October 3, 2013

Mmmm Mmmm Good...and Fishy!!!

Today has been mmm mmm good because I have cooked some really great meals but also because I went snorkeling with the Ross Spouses Group for the first time. I have been here for 5 months but until I was able to put the girls in daycare part-time I haven't been able to see much of the island above or under water :).  We went to Cabrits and we saw FISH!! Tons of fish. I wasn't very smart to come to the best underwater life Island of Dominica without an underwater camera, however I hope to remedy that at Christmas...wink wink...anyone in my family ;)  From what I can remember we saw:

Sandiver's, Peacock Flounders (this fish was SUPER cool and was camouflaged at the bottom of the sea with the sand but had a small blue and green diamond pattern, hence the peacock), we saw hundreds of needle fish (they sit about 5 in below the surface of the water in huge schools just moving with the current), lion fish (this fish has feathers!!!), trumpet fish, puffer fish and red snapper. I know we saw plenty more fish but I don't know what there called...I've downloaded a Caribbean fish identification chart.  This shows most all of the fish we saw. We also saw green, purple and blue sea anemone's, which were beautiful.

The rest of the day was pretty normal until we go to dinner. I bought red snapper at the Portsmouth market on Sat and paid an extra 5EC to have it filleted. I laid it upon onions and tomatoes, drizzled with olive oil, lime juice, salt, pepper and a little italian seasoning mix. Wrapped in tinfoil and baked on 375 for 12 min. My new fave is yellow squash crisps!!!  I cut yellow squash into madeline size pieces laid barely overlapping on cookie sheet, drizzled with coconut or olive oil, light salt and pepper and tons of parmesan. Baked for 20 min. It was AMAZING!!!  Then, I got the girls to sleep. Poor Eloise went to bed at 6:15 p.m. because she was so tired. She napped as normal today but is cutting her 3th & 4th tooth, top middle :), so I think that was bothering her today.

My neighbor Jen Pierce, this is actually not the Jen Jen neighbor I have referrenced before but another awesome new neighbor also named Jen. She and her husband Stephen are two of the nicest people we've met! They are a newlywed couple from Utah. Aaannnyway...she made some insanely good cinnamon rolls last week and was kind enough to share with us. I am doing my best to replicate them.

You know...I have a problem with baking...I swear I follow the directions the best I's a little hard trust me. I have realized I am a little more of a scientist cooker. I never follow the exact same recipe twice, I usually mixed 2 or 3 different recipes together and that's if I actually use a recipe. Most of the time I think it's fun to come up with it myself or challenge myself to see if I have cooked long enough to kind of get it.  But with baking, Ai Yi Yi, I have attempted my hand at bread 4 times and it just doesn't work. It's to doughy, not light and fluffy, doesn't rise enough...who knows...sooooo I am again trying to bake...cinnamon absolute favorite!!! We'll see. I'll take a pic and post on my next blog.

I have committed not to pressure myself to write a great blog with lots of pictures and good stories every time but more of a journal of our lives here. Hopefully, our lives will be full of good picts and stories that I can share.

Oh, and my neighbor, not Jen but Ali, introduced me to a really good wine that is not too terribly expensive here in Dominica...many of you will be happy to know I'm back on the wagon tonight.  I have had a glass of wine about 4 times over the last 2 months....unheard of I know...what did you do with Amberly...believe I know what your thinking...that's what happens when your broke and can't find decent wine.

I have two special Michael & Catey who just closed on there first home located in Decatur, GA. I'm super excited for you two and all the wonderful things in your immediate future!!!!

Second, my sister, Cristina is having a baby and it's a BOY!!! I'm super excited obviously because I get to be an Aunt again but also because the babies a excited and so is Banks!!

Love you and miss you all!!
