Two of the Ross Spouses are teaching a creative dance class...Banks loves it...ran to the front row :)
Beach Trip to "Mero Beach and then Lobster at Sunset Bay Club. Yes, that is 9 Lobster Tails...they were so yummy! Also, first Iguana sighting. We learned from our Taxi driver and, has become good tour guide and friend, Peter that you spot them first in the trees. The female Iguana's are green and the male are black. The body of the one in the pic is about 2 ft long. Banks also found a STAR FISH at the PBH, Picard Beach's on the Ross Campus and we go there most of the time.
*** You'll see a common theme...Eloise in the baby carrier...poor thing, but she seems not to mind too much!!!*** And yes, it's hot for both of us but we're getting use to it.

Every Saturday we make a trip at 6 am, you have to get there early to get the best stuff that's not over ripe, to Portsmouth to the local market. This week we picked up a much needed basket to house the shoes on our porch. Again, poor EC in the carrier...I promise she gets 1 nap/day in her crib :) Banks is my "best little helper"...she is at her best when she has a task and completes it!!! Wonder where she gets that from ;)
*** The way we end each night, however Mom and I were just commenting on the fact that Banks has only watched 4 Episodes total in since we've been here (2 weeks)!!! We haven't even turned on the T.V. In a way I feel totally isolated from what's going on the world and it makes me a little anxious...BUT it usually passes after about 5 seconds :)...I'm learning to embrace the simplicity of life here and IT IS GOOD!!! I counted my clothes and shoes when we were unpacking and I literally only have about 35 articles of clothing including p.j's and tanktops and 7 pairs of shoes TOTAL. For me that's a BIG change, it's AWESOME! Even more awesome is that I have not worn a stitch of makeup since we arrived.

This was my stroller after the pool today, the bottom cargo space was full plus Banks was holding 2 grocery bags in her lap...:LOL!! I was deathly afraid Banks would try to get out and the entire thing would fall backwards. I better have some serious guns after hauling this around everyday!!!
Sorry, I didn't write much but it was a really HOT day today but beautiful and I'm pooped! I know pictures are the best anyway!
love you all,
"trying to come up with a Brangelina type name for our family...let you know when I've got it ;)
but for now,
amberly, david, banks and eloise
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