Thursday, July 4, 2013

Missing Y'all & Milestone


It's been a while...I know, I know...

I had to come all the way to Dominica to find out I DON'T have Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis. Hallelujah!!!

They test anyone who enters the country for these two runs rampant in these parts....

ok, before I explain I have got to share something hysterical that literally just happened. So I am typing the sentence above "it run rampant in these parts" and typed the word "rampid" instead of "rampant" because I thought that was the word I was looking for...I googled it, bc spellcheck didn't seem to understand the word is was trying to use, and this is what I found in the urban dictionary: 

477 up73 down
A non-existant word that mentally challenged people often confuse with the word "rampant."

See below.
Jack: The disease ran rampid throughout the country.
Jill: Rampid is not a word, you moron.

Jack: Pirated music is rampid in the Internet.
Jill: Are you really that stupid?

This is absolutely cracking my up to the point that I'm crying...and to answer there question...yes, I am a moron and yes, I am that stupid! Hilarious!

Most people would not admit to this but it was way to funny not to share even if i am the butt of the joke! (had to look that up my head "is the saying really...butt of the joke?!?!?")  

Ok, so to cut to the chase. I woke up with a horrible rash, swelling and pain in all my joints 2 weeks ago. Couldn't walk without pain or do normal task bc of swelling, pain and loss of strength in all my joints. After IV of steroid and a 7 day pack the condition wasn't much better so I was tested for Lupus and RA. Good news...I don't have either & today I feel 90% better. Bad news...we don't know what caused it and praying it doesn't reoccur. I didn't mention it to anyone before now bc i didn't want anyone worrying when we weren't sure what was going on. I am good now and hopefully, it was just an allergy or virus with a "crippling" affect.

So that's the reason I haven't written a blog entry in 2 weeks. I really missed my friends and family over the last 2 weeks partly bc my Mom was no longer here but also because it was kind of scary to think I may have a pretty serious disease and be this far from everyone.  

We don't have to worry about that anymore, yippee!!

Onto to Milestones...


Banks received her very first haircut EVER!!!! ok, it was a trim of about .5in by Me but's the first time her hair has ever been cut since she was born 3 years ago!

Going to the pool, beach, and the constant beating of the sun along with the amount of chlorine in the tap water here her hair was getting pretty straggling on the ends. Plus she saw her cousin Kirkland over google hangout and wanted a haircut just like her!  We only cut a little itty bit off the ends but it evened her hair nicely :)

She can swim without her floaties!!! So we go to the pool often with Banks' friend Chloe. Chloe has been learning to swim without floaties so of course Banks wanted to try. I have never seen a child more determined in my life. She watched Chloe a few times and then jump off the step and started swimming 5ft, then 10ft and then all the way across the pool. It was like positive peer pressure. I was so incredibly proud of her!! She had just been taught the song "We are the Champions" by my Mom. So after she swam across the pool she started singing very loud: "We are the Chapmans, We are the Chapmans, no time for Roosters cause we are the Chapmans". It was pretty funny!

**Big news for Eloise...

She is sitting up all on her own and is up on all 4's!!! Literally in 1 weeks she has started rocking back and forth. I give her 1 more month before she's crawling. She may be a content, sweet natured, Angel child :) but she is determined!!! She has this little squeal that she does when she's trying really hard. Her motivation is her sisters baby doll. She loves Banks' baby doll more than any other toy we have. I only brought one, what was I thinking, because Banks wasn't into them at all until recently.  Bam is bringing another baby doll when she comes in August. So Eloise will probably be on the move soon and then we'll really have a problem on our hands ;). 

I can think of 1 thing...we have no doors on our bottom kitchen cabinets...yikes! There are no baby gates here so any suggestions about what to do is welcomed. I did bring down extra extra curtains and i'm thinking of cutting them to create some kind of curtain. not sure if that will keep her out though.

She is also getting her first tooth!!!  It's coming in on the bottom and it's super cute, HOWEVER she is not a happy camper. She hasn't made a peep her whole life but is now pretty fussy but I know it's bc this tooth is hurting her :(

I do have more to catch everyone up on and will hopefully be able to write another entry this weekend. I thought I would have a lot more time on my hands here not working...ha, ha, ha, I guess all you stay at home Mom's know what I'm talking about. My 3 year old rarely naps anymore and after walking 3 miles/day w the kids I'm exhausted after each day and in the bed at like 9pm, seriously! I'm getting a little more used to it and hopefully getting into shape! :)

David has completed his 3rd mini and did well. He has only 5 weeks of his first semester left but has to end the semester as well as he possibly can. Please keep all the good thoughts and prayers coming!!! 


  1. Love those glamour shots of Banks with wet hair! In one it looks like she's doing "Blue Steel"!!

  2. Oh, byt the way, the "rampid" bit had me crying I was laughing so hard. May as well have been me and you:
    Amberly: The disease ran rampid throughout the country.
    Kelly: Did you just say "rampid?!" Rampid is not a word, you moron.
