I know I have lot to catch you all up on but let's just say the last 14 days can be summed up in the following phrases:
Cannoli, Cream Horn, Ho Ho, whatever the freakin things are called!
I am so sick of myself and my debilitating back pain...can you bring me another pain pill and margarita?
Can this seriously be happening right now...I can't walk and BOTH of my kids have fevers over 103
Has anyone seen David in the last 10 days?
Are there any shells, sea fans, drift wood or starfish left in the Sea, Debbie?
Are there any shells, sea fans, drift wood or starfish left in the Sea, Debbie?
Ok, so seriously...the moment Debbie stepped off the plane Banks went completely nuts running to her and jumping into her arms with excitement!!! We had an awesome night opening all of the awesome items that she brought us from the states. Our little bitty cottage literally looked just like Christmas in July...I never knew I would be so happy to see a pair of Mephisto's. Yep you heard me. For most of you people under the age of 40 you probably have never heard of mephisto's...Ok, just teasing...but seriously they're incredible. I've been walking about 3-4 miles a day in flip flops and my feet and body are paying for it! I have been wearing tennis shoes as much as possible but when you're 3 year old tells you that your running shoes look "horrible", yes she said horrible, with a strong emphasis on the Hoooorrrrible, with your really pretty dress you start to think again. So I ordered Mephisto's and Birkenstocks. They are incredible and so far no more plantar fascitis.
So the day after Bam arrived my back, which unfortunately most of you are very aware of my issues with my back :(, had a turn for the worst and I could barely walk for 4-5 days. My back had been pretty sore for a few weeks and it was almost like it knew that I finally had help and decided, "ok, i'm gonna officially give you hell!!!" I am so thankful she was hear because it was the week before David started his first of 4 tests and over 60% of his semester grade. There has never been a statement come to life more in my 31 years of life than "when it rains, it pours". So, 3 days after my back goes out poor little Eloise wakes up in the middle of the night with a 103.7 temperature. For the first time since moving to Dominica, I felt panicked. We can call the on-call clinic doctor but over time I am starting to loose a little faith in them :( There is no hospital that i feel safe or comfortable taking my kids to for fear of leaving with something worse than what we entered with. Needless to say, I feel that it's imperative that we all stay healthy and well during our time abroad. I was able to get the fever down to 102. Within 2 days Banks and I were both sick as well. Unfortunately, Bam spent the first 10 days she was hear taking care of me, Eloise and Banks and not spending much time out in the beautiful outdoors :( I know that she came hear to spend as much time with the kids as possible but truthfully she's been a really good sport about all of it. We all seem to be on the up and up except for Bam who is now in the midst of her virus, cold, thingy that's made it's way through our family, thankfully with the exception of David!!
We did make it to the grocery store one day and Bam was beside herself with she found this pastry that looks like a Cannoli but tastes much better. Apparently Connie and Bam frequent these pastries when they go to the beach :)...she says there called cream horns. The problem with all of this is that she keeps buying them and we all keep eating them...let's just say they are not good for you ;) Good news is there too expensive for my budget so after she leaves we probably won't see many cream horns along with the many pounds of BACON she has already bought and frozen for David! What a good Mom!
So the day after Bam arrived my back, which unfortunately most of you are very aware of my issues with my back :(, had a turn for the worst and I could barely walk for 4-5 days. My back had been pretty sore for a few weeks and it was almost like it knew that I finally had help and decided, "ok, i'm gonna officially give you hell!!!" I am so thankful she was hear because it was the week before David started his first of 4 tests and over 60% of his semester grade. There has never been a statement come to life more in my 31 years of life than "when it rains, it pours". So, 3 days after my back goes out poor little Eloise wakes up in the middle of the night with a 103.7 temperature. For the first time since moving to Dominica, I felt panicked. We can call the on-call clinic doctor but over time I am starting to loose a little faith in them :( There is no hospital that i feel safe or comfortable taking my kids to for fear of leaving with something worse than what we entered with. Needless to say, I feel that it's imperative that we all stay healthy and well during our time abroad. I was able to get the fever down to 102. Within 2 days Banks and I were both sick as well. Unfortunately, Bam spent the first 10 days she was hear taking care of me, Eloise and Banks and not spending much time out in the beautiful outdoors :( I know that she came hear to spend as much time with the kids as possible but truthfully she's been a really good sport about all of it. We all seem to be on the up and up except for Bam who is now in the midst of her virus, cold, thingy that's made it's way through our family, thankfully with the exception of David!!
We did make it to the grocery store one day and Bam was beside herself with she found this pastry that looks like a Cannoli but tastes much better. Apparently Connie and Bam frequent these pastries when they go to the beach :)...she says there called cream horns. The problem with all of this is that she keeps buying them and we all keep eating them...let's just say they are not good for you ;) Good news is there too expensive for my budget so after she leaves we probably won't see many cream horns along with the many pounds of BACON she has already bought and frozen for David! What a good Mom!
The "bring me another pain pill and margarita" is pretty self explainatorty except that i didn't take them together...I was allergic to the codein in the pain meds so I opted for tequila!! I think it's a perfectly fine substitute for back pain. I mean seriously, what the heck else am I suppose to do in Dominica while having back pain, with a rocky, dirt road, double stroller and no car...can you get a "pushing under the influence"?!?!?
Before some of you freak out...I only had 4 maragaritas/day...Ok, sorry...JK.
I did not take care of my kids intoxicated. I did wait until they were asleep and only had 2 margaritas/night!! :)
After about 7 or 8 days we were all so stir crazy from not leaving our compound that we got a local taxi driver to take us to a beach that had a lot of "treasures". Now let's just say it was not a "beach" it was more like a "shore" with a super sketchy river flowing beside it and i use the word "treasure" in an effort to be kind to Debbie!!! hahaha...ok, everyone who knows Debbie has got to be laughing and shaking there head right now!! Bam loves her some beach trash...just kidding...I love everything we came home...Drift wood, shells and conks out the wazoo, huge sea-branch-i-don't-know-what-the-heck there-called-things, sea fans, coral. Although, we are officially the "Rednecks" of Kootney. Not only do we have a clothes line across our front porch where I hang everything under the sun, no pun intended, but now we have tons of "Beach Treasures" lining the porch. They're Gems!!!! ;)
In all seriousness, the sea treasures are really, really beautiful and i hope to decorate my new much bigger cottage with them!!!
We move 1 week from today and I cannot wait!!!!! Our place is fine but is about the equivalent of living in a small Brooklyn apartment with 2 kids. I have a Barbie fridge ;)
Lastly, David has studied every waking moment all semester but the last 2 weeks have been like nothing i've ever seen. He get's home around 2 and leaves again around 630-7...he's a machine...everyone just please say 1,000 prayers that it pays off!!!!! He takes his comprehensive final on Monday at 7:45 a.m. and then we're done for 2.5 weeks. We head off to Rosalie Bay, a local resort, right after his final for 5 nights of AC, spa treatments, no cooking or cleaning for Amberly, and lots of FAMILY TIME!!!! I cannot wait!!!
Pics below: after the treasure beach we stopped at a good beach for a little swimming and sandcastle building. Peter, the taxi driver of Yellow Cab Taxi, brought his 2 sweet children, Selena & Chris. Banks and the two of them had a blast and played for an hour on the beach!!
Before some of you freak out...I only had 4 maragaritas/day...Ok, sorry...JK.
I did not take care of my kids intoxicated. I did wait until they were asleep and only had 2 margaritas/night!! :)
After about 7 or 8 days we were all so stir crazy from not leaving our compound that we got a local taxi driver to take us to a beach that had a lot of "treasures". Now let's just say it was not a "beach" it was more like a "shore" with a super sketchy river flowing beside it and i use the word "treasure" in an effort to be kind to Debbie!!! hahaha...ok, everyone who knows Debbie has got to be laughing and shaking there head right now!! Bam loves her some beach trash...just kidding...I love everything we came home...Drift wood, shells and conks out the wazoo, huge sea-branch-i-don't-know-what-the-heck there-called-things, sea fans, coral. Although, we are officially the "Rednecks" of Kootney. Not only do we have a clothes line across our front porch where I hang everything under the sun, no pun intended, but now we have tons of "Beach Treasures" lining the porch. They're Gems!!!! ;)
In all seriousness, the sea treasures are really, really beautiful and i hope to decorate my new much bigger cottage with them!!!
We move 1 week from today and I cannot wait!!!!! Our place is fine but is about the equivalent of living in a small Brooklyn apartment with 2 kids. I have a Barbie fridge ;)
Lastly, David has studied every waking moment all semester but the last 2 weeks have been like nothing i've ever seen. He get's home around 2 and leaves again around 630-7...he's a machine...everyone just please say 1,000 prayers that it pays off!!!!! He takes his comprehensive final on Monday at 7:45 a.m. and then we're done for 2.5 weeks. We head off to Rosalie Bay, a local resort, right after his final for 5 nights of AC, spa treatments, no cooking or cleaning for Amberly, and lots of FAMILY TIME!!!! I cannot wait!!!
Pics below: after the treasure beach we stopped at a good beach for a little swimming and sandcastle building. Peter, the taxi driver of Yellow Cab Taxi, brought his 2 sweet children, Selena & Chris. Banks and the two of them had a blast and played for an hour on the beach!!
Banks has a ritual every single time David leaves...she watches him leave until he is out of sight...it's the sweetest thing so we thought to get a pic!
My children, and especially Eloise's favorite past time...pulling everything off my shelves!
Bam saw her first Iguana!!
Love you and miss you all!!!
Hopefully now that we're all on the up and up I will update more often...My next blog is going to be a recipe reference!!! Bam has complimented all of the meals that i've learned to cook since being on the Island so I thought i would share :)
I wondered why we hadn't heard from you! Glad you're all feeling better. We miss you like crazy! Virtual Wine Night soon?!