Monday, January 27, 2014

January at the Beach!

This little Monkey has been giving me a run for my money. She is still an exceptional baby but has very different challenges than Banks did. She has been drinking water out of a sippy for months now but ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to drink Milk from a sippy. Today, I made the decision to cut the bottles cold turkey. Sadly she drank a little milk this morning but not much sense. Plenty of water though :) The milk is another thing in itself living in a "developing country" in that we don't get milk regularly so it's powder we go...blah. She doesn't love it and it's doing a serious number on her tummy. She didn't have a problem with whole milk while we were in the states. she has had a little nagging cold for over a week and then today while she was screaming at me I realized she is getting ALL 4 Molars in...I felt so bad for her, Sooooooooooo....This picture is how I like to think of her and not the ever crying, pulling everything in God's country out of my cabinets 47,000 times per day. Don't even say childproof them to me..."developing country"...enough said.

This was Banks and Eloise first day back to school. Banks is attending a homeschool coop started by mom's of kindergardeners here on the island. She loves it!!! Every Friday is an excursion day. Last Friday they went to the home of a local cocoa farmer, named Cocoa, and participated in making chocolate, and learning about the cocoa plant. She still exclaims...IT WAS AWESOME! Sadly, I couldn't attend but will hopefully be chaperoning many of there excursions.

Homeschool coop. I'm super super proud of Banks she is the youngest by over a year but is "rising to the occasion", said by her teacher Mrs Womack, and learning exceptionally!

Whale Watching...The whales forgot to mention they would be attending a reggae festival in St. Kitts that weekend :(...wha wha waaaaaaa. So no whales for us but a nice 4 hour boat ride with great friends!


 Dominica is an exceptionally beautiful island!

 Banks and her friend Mae Lynn. I was the totally over cautious "safety first" Mom and wouldn't let her take her life jacket off. I couldn't handle the nerves and what if's!

 Don't know why these are in super fast mode but Banks rolled down this hill for 30 min and had so many strawberries on her shoulders and knees. She gets it honestly

  Somebody is walking...when she feels like it!!! She can literally dance, do squats, and pick up anything while standing but only chooses to walk occasionally. When not sick, teething and pissed about not getting her bottle she's so chill natured...just like her Mom...ha! Hope you caught the sarcasm there! ;)

 In our old place she napped in the tents on the front porch. Here she stacks couch cushions in the kitchen for a quick snooze. I was washing dishes and literally turned around to see her asleep on these cushions.

We miss you all so much!!!

Love you
Amberly, David, Banks & Eloise

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