Banks and David got much needed hair, and thankfully beard, CUTS...not trims :) Picture of both of them below. There hair is super curly bc of the humidity here and so is mine if you can believe that, although I'm not in picture taking condition today ;). Banks' doesn't look that drastic but I actually took about 3 inches off and even gave her a graduated bob with layers. I like to act like I can cut hair but in reality I'm just lucky that my clients have curly hair and you can't tell :).
My attention was brought to the condition of everyone's hair because when we arrived back on the island there was a lice outbreak among the kids. :/ Luckily and with fingers still crossed, we have not been infected. Another issue we are facing returning to school this week is that the Prep School and Early Learning Center are undergoing MUCH NEEDED renovations, however to know one's surprise they are not finished in time. Not only are they not finished it will be weeks before the kids can enter the new space. The alternative is 3 trailers at the back of the school grounds, with terrible AC and absolutely no toys or space for kids to learn or play. I sent the kids 1 day but have decided to keep them at home with me until the new facility is complete. To give you a better idea...they have babies...I mean 3-9 month babies in a trailer with no cribs and a few mats on the floor. It's not acceptable at all and we mother's have voiced our opinions loud and clear. I'm sure no one is surprised by that :)
I am also considering a new school for Banks. One of the spouses who formerly taught at the prep school here and was a teacher in the U.S. has started an at home pre-K and Kindergarten. I am working with Banks at home but she really loves to be in a structured environment with peers...Peers being the operative word! The early learning center on campus is great and she loves her teachers but I worry it's not challenging enough for her. Since we are in a more relaxed environment the option to start her in Pre-K early has presented itself so I plan to take it!!! We go for a visit on Friday...wish Banks good luck!!
Last but not least...David has been in the pool at 6:30 a.m. every morning for the last 9 days swimming for 30 minutes. I am pretty proud of him!!!
I can't find the pic of David's trimmed up Do and don't have one of the girls bedroom but that'll just get you to come back again :)
love and miss everyone!!
The Joneses
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